Koons Clarksville

Chevrolet Buick GMC

Jun 22, 2021

Have you decided that your car would look better without its badging? You may be wondering if this is something you can do yourself. For many people, the answer is yes. At Koons Clarksville Chevrolet Buick GMC, we have a few tips for doing it quickly.

First, do some research into how your badges are attached. The odds are good that it is simply a powerful adhesive keeping them on there. Some brands, however, use clips to secure the badges. In these cases, we recommend using a professional to do the work.

If you are just dealing with adhesive, start by warming it up. This can be done with a hair dryer or by pouring hot water on the badge. There are also adhesive removers that you can spray on the badge to accomplish the same thing. Once the adhesive is looser, you can gently pry it off with a plastic wedge.